Welcome, friend!

My name is Lindsay and I'm so glad you're here!

I love the verse from Titus 2, instructing women to be busy at home, so that's what my blog is about. But I'm not busy... I am "Super Busy at Home": with housekeeping, budgeting, organizing, crafting, homeschooling, and constantly needing God's grace. Loving this life that God has blessed us with, I am certainly on my toes.  In my yoga pants usually, but nevertheless, on my toes. :)

We are a classically educating family.  I homeschool our children in our third floor school room.We have a dog, 3 cats, a hamster, and a fish.  I have fun decorating my Erin Condren planner (team vertical), cross stitching, embroidering, decorating for holidays, and drinking coffee that is still hot.  Vintage children books make my heart go pitter-patter.  Vintage linens do too.  Anything vintage pretty much gets my goat.  Ask any of my friends and they'll tell you I'm basically like an old woman. I thrive on beauty...lit candles, a set table, stickers, I get my kicks from the details of cultivated beauty.

I met my husband while he was trying to date my college roommate.  After standing him up twice we fell in love. He's one of those guys who can do anything.  If he doesn't know how to do it, he will study and research and try until he does.  He single-handedly has (and still is!) restoring our 1800's manor and our 1939 lake cottage.  In the process he is usually rocking a stellar farmer's tan and a huge smile.  We were married on the coast of Hawaii and proceeded to have two babies within 20 months of one another.  Life.is.amazing.

From my early days of motherhood I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mother.  The icing on our life cake was homeschooling.

Legos are always on our floor.  

Jelly likes to commiserate with the foyer doorknob frequently.  

Scotch tape is always holding some form of cardboard together to make something that's been thought of.

Our hall closet looks like we are stocking arms for a G.I. Joe battle.  

Life is full and messy and gross.  Life is full and lovely and ethereal.  

I love my husband in a way I never thought could be possible.  He holds me up when I'm a mess and he brings me back to a semblence of me when I fall apart.  He loves Jesus and me and our kiddos to the moon.  He does dishes and rips alternators apart after putting in a full day at the office. He's cool. 

Welcome to Super Busy at Home! 

**Disclosure Policy**

To help my family, I sometimes will  utilize affiliate memberships with some companies that I use to share products with you. I will always let you know before I post the affiliate links. When you click on an affiliate link, I may receive a compensation from the company. 

I love reviewing products and companies that our family loves.  Sometimes I might receive something for free in order to review the product, and sometimes I just review it because I think it’s something that everyone needs to know about. 

That’s the short and long of it—I hope you understand what you might get when you read and interact with my blog.  Please let me know if you have any questions!