Thursdays Telephone Escapades Make Me Want to Shoot Apples in the Black Georgia Night


My post yesterday was posted late in the day because of the destituation that apple computers has brought to our life. We needed a new computer desperately for a business that we've started...I'm sure I'll fill you in on that at some time but for now it is still a work in progress, to say the least!

Anywho, Nick bought us an apple macbook air phone pro something something because I've been wanting one for so long.

Now I just want to throw it out the window.

apparently even though apple products are supposed to succinctly work together ours don't. So 4 and a 1/2 hours, and 4 apple customer service people later it is now Thursday morning, I've missed my Body Flow class and I am still sitting here in a ball of anxiety as to whether I should keep this albatross around my neck, otherwise known as a macbook, or return the darn thing and jump over the hedge back into windows territory.

I am at a loss right now.

I've been reading about how I'm a type 6 on the enneagram chart and it basically explains my life in a nutshell. I am happy and sad at the same time, beligierent that I'm right and confused at the same time. It's all just a jumble of emotions and my computer woes fit right along in there.

Today is our last "official" day of break. Which means that we are supposed to be starting school on Friday. Yes, Friday. And do you really think I am going to have a whole-hearted school day when I have to work, Emma has a photography class, and again, its Friday??? No, probably not.

We went sledding this morning. It was fun to take a break from work and trek down to the neighborhood sledding hill. The fact that we have a neighborhood sledding hill brings me an exuberant amount of joy.

A few times down and both children were ready to go home. I waxed sentimental all the way home at how easy this trip to the hill was. Usually we have one child refusing to help carry the sleds, another who refuses to go home, or one who insists that their legs simply will not carry them all the way back home. As hard as watching your kids grow up is, at times like these, it is grand.

Of course afterwards it was hot cocoa time. I will make all the hot cocoa in the world for as long as they ask because I am their momma and I love them. I know my hot cocoa days are limited and I am savoring every single one.

We had chicken fries for lunch. Let me just tell you the funniness of our son. When you think of an autistic child you think of someone very rigid in what they eat, right? Like kids who will only eat cheerios or nuggets or something. Well our son is like that but with his adhd he forgets what he likes and doesn't like. Chicken fries are something he loved but when I put them in the oven he immediately started complaining about them until Emma reminded him of how much he liked them. And then life was good again. Again that growing up thing is amazing because when he was younger he would get in this weird argument with himself where he liked the fries, we all know he liked the fries, but he had told us he didn't like the fries, so he was going to die on the hill of claiming he didn't like the fries. Clearly life was weird at this time and if you feel confused by all of this, then hey, that's the rest of us feel too.

Every morning I watch an episode of Designing Women on Hulu. Does anyone remember this show? My hero, Bonnie, mentioned that she was watching it which made me decide that I need to try this kind of loveliness in my life.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, this was a sitcom in the late '80s about southern ladies who owned a design firm. Two of these ladies were sisters, Julia and Suzanne Sugarbaker.

The thing is, depending on what episode of the day I watch, I can't decide if I am a Julia or a Suzanne.

I think of this often, y'all.

Today's episode was how someone kept prank calling Suzanne about her pet pig, Noel, so she decided to take matters into her own hands by going to the store and buying an AR-Rifle. At the jail later on in the show her sister, Julia, scolds her for doing something so foolish as opening fire into the black georia night.

And right there I simultaneously want to be both sisters.

Which do you think you are?


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