Train Fun at Fernwood

I know I have spoken of Fernwood before.  

It is hard to put into words a place of visual beauty. 

But I'll try. 

Or you could just go.  You know, just saying. 

The kids and I went there.  It is instantly so peaceful.  The greens against one another invoke a tranquil atmosphere...

That is until someone spots a snake and then times because a bit more raucous.  

But that's the fun of going.

Armed with a Water Bottle...

And a map, we set out for the Railway Garden.  Not that we needed a map but in school we have been learning map skills so they were having a good time locating where we were on the map as we walked towards the trains.  

The Railway Gardens are amazing!  Water features, secret doorways, and plants all mix together around 4 trains as they pass through tracks on various levels...above you, under, below, beside.  It is just amazing and so fun! 

It always seems too that everytime we go we find something new to see!  

This time I caught sight of this darling covered bridge!  Isn't it just the cutest little thing?  

There are also all of these amazing buildings like this one nestled in for the trains to pass.  They look like local popular buildings. 

We are on Chapter 9 of "The Borrowers" and Emma and Calvin really enjoyed imagining Arrietty exploring the garden.  

But anyway, like I said before, so many things to spot! 

As many things as there are to spot our absolute fave is this cute, little ladybug train car.  How adorable is this? It zips around and the kids squeal when they see it and run to show me where it many precious moments for me to remember.  Love sharing this with them before school gets started again.  

This train is my fave!  

I had to practically peel these two away from the trains.  If you have a little train lover you should go too!  When Cal was huge into Thomas (like 3-ish) we loved coming here are seeing all the "choo-choo's" whirring by.  And now look how grown they are :(  But they still love coming :)  

Fernwood's website says that the Railway Garden will be closed for the year after October 31st, so be sure you go check it's a must if you live in the area!  


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School Curriculum 2015/16


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